lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

(A) Little- (A) Few

(A) Few

Quantity expressions "(a) few" and "(a) little" refer to a small amount. The first aspect to highlight is that "(a) few" is used with countable nouns (which have plural) and is translated as "few (as) few"; "(A) little" is used with countless nouns (which do not have a plural) and is translated as "little / a".

(A) Little

"(A) little" is used with countless nouns (which do not have a plural) and is translated as "little / a".

The second difference is related to the presence or not of the indefinite article. "A few" has a positive value and means little quantity but enough; "Few" has a negative value and means small and insufficient quantity.

Resultado de imagen para a few a little


I have a few friends (I have a few / many friends) // I have few friends (I have few friends)

The same for "a little" and "little", but with countless nouns:

I have a little money (I have little / some money) I have little money.

Resultado de imagen para a few a little


Complete with a few or a little according to the case

1.a few apples

2.a little rice

3.a few bicycles

4.a few trees

5.a few boys

6.a little money

7.a few dogs

8.a little time

9.a little sugar

10.a few cups

Complete the sentences with (a) few or (a) little 

1. The postman doesn't often come here. We receive few letters.

2. I drink coffee with a little milk.

3. I speak a few words of German but I'm not fluent.

4. We need a few tomatoes for this sauce.

5. I can't carry this bag alone. I need a little help.

6. I'm thirsty. Can you give me a little water, please?

7. Very few people use a typewriter nowadays.

8. She likes to travel light. She only has a few suitcases with her.

9. She likes to travel light. She only has a little luggage with her.

10. I don't have a job at the moment. I have little money.

11.There is a little bread in the cupboard. but it's enough for dinner.

12. Susan has a few friends. She doesn't feel lonely.

13.Can I have little milk in my coffe? I like white.

14. There are a few puddles on the road. Let's put on rubber boots.

15. You have a few mistakes in the test.

Choose the answere correct (a few or a little)

He speaks a little Spanish, so we were able to find a nice room in Madrid.

There are only a few bananas left in the box.

We need a little butter for this cake.

The teacher gives us a little time to prepare before a test.

There are only a few days left to hand in the reports.

I bought a few apples in this shop.

Could I have a little milk in my coffee, please?

 There are a few mice on the roof.

We saw a few people at the bus stop.

We have a little ketchup and a few sausages left.


1. You have a few options to choose from.

2. Few students passed the test.

3. Don’t worry, we have a few minutes.

4. There will be few opportunities like this one.

5. We only had a few drinks.

6. Few computers in the office are updated.

7. You should book in advance; there are few good hotels in that town.

8. He has few friends.

9. He has a few friends.

10. There are few possible solutions.

11. I have a few ideas for our holidays

12. Few women have the possibility that you have.

13. This will take a few hours.

14. There few interesting movies on cinemas.

15. There are a few movies I would like to see.


Tom: Hey Max, Are you busy?

Tim: Not really, why?

Tom: I have to buy some things here in the supermarket.
Can you come with me?

Tim: Ok, but we have to hurry because I have little time to help you

Tom: First, I need some bread and some eggs

Tim: Do you want some potatoes?

Tom: No, I don't want any potatoes. I'm trying to lose weight

Tim: Oh, come on! Potatoes are fantastic

Tom: Ok, but only a few

Tim: Do you like fish?

Tom: Yes, I love fish. Please, get me some Ocean Perch

Tim :I'm afraid they don't have any Ocean Perch. What else do you need?

Tom: I need some Salmon and a little sugar.

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