lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

There is/ there are


There is/ isn´t 
it is used for singular 
There are/ aren´t
 it is used for plural

In English grammar we use "there is" or "there are" to talk about things we can see and things that exist.

We use “there is” for singular and uncountable nouns, and we use “there are” for plural countable nouns.

“There are five people in the office.” (plural countable noun)

“There's a television in the living room.” (singular countable noun)

or “There's some milk in the fridge.” (uncountable noun)

See our page on English nouns for more information about countable and uncountable nouns.

Resultado de imagen para there is there are some any



 -Is there any water?

 -There isn’t any water

 - There is some water


 -There are some bottles

 - There aren’t any bottles

-Are there any bottles?

Resultado de imagen para there is there are some any


1. There's a big notice board on the classroom wall.

2. There aren't any computers in the music room.

3. Is there a wardrobe in your bedroom?

4. Are there are students in the science lab?

5. There are some magazines on the table.

6. There aren't any books on the desk.

7. 'Is there a swimming pool at your school?' 'Yes,
any books on the desk.

8. There's a sports centre near my house.

Complete with there is or there are.

-There is a bag on the table.

-There is a calendar on the wall.

-There are two posters in my room.

-There is a banana in this basket.

-There are six chairs in the kitchen.

-There are lots of books on the shelf.

-There is a mirror in our hall.

-There are 12 cushions on the sofa.

-There is a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.

-There are children in the yard.

Complete the sentences 

 1. There is no milk in the fridge.

2 . Are there many rooms in your house?

3. There is a lot of snow in the mountains.

4. Are there any mistakes in this text?

5. There is one question left.

6. There are no snails in my garden.

7. There is nobody in.

8. Is there nothing to do?

9. Are there seven days in a week?

10 .There is a lot of tea in the kitchen.

Complete the questions

A) Is there a pencil on the kitchen table?

B) Are there pullovers in the suitcase?

C) Is there a football match on Saturday?

D) Are there pets on the farm?

E) Are there computers in your room?

F) Is there a museum in your hometown?

g) Are there many trees in that park over there?

H) Is there a blue car in the garage?

I) Are there geocaches in this forest?

J) Are there 29 days in February this year?


1. There isTrue a laptop on the desk
2. There areTrue some students in the courtyard.

3. Is thereTrue any possibility to meet her tonight?

4. There areTrue so many issues with the new software.

5. Are thereTrue any interesting books in the school's library?

6. Is thereTrue anybody who can help me?

7. The waiter says there areTrue a lot of people who are complaining about the food.

8. Are thereTrue any poems in this new textbook?

9. Are thereTrue any reasons I should believe her again.

10. I think there isTrue some truth in what you are saying.



Man: Are there exchange students are your school?

Woman: Yes, there are a few.

Man: Really. What countries are they from?

Woman: Ah, let’s see. There is one student from Italy, and there are a few students from France.

Man: Oh, cool. Is there anyone from Paris?

Woman: No, they are all from Leon!

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