lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

A lot- A lot of- Much- Many

A lot
a lot means very often or very much. It is used as an adverb. It often comes at the end of a sentence and never before a noun.


I like basketball a lot.
She's a lot happier now than she was.
I don't go there a lot anymore.

A lot of / lots of
a lot of and lots of have the same meaning: they both mean a large amount or number of people or things.


They are both used before countable nouns and uncountable nouns:

with countable nouns:
A lot of people went to the game.
Lots of people went to the game.

with uncountable nouns:
A lot of snow falls in winter.
Lots of snow falls in winter.

remember that Much it is used for countless questions and negative prayers and Many is used for accounting things.

Resultado de imagen para a lot/ a lot ofResultado de imagen para a lot/ a lot of


Choose the correct answer MUCH or MANY

-Many pupils.

-Much time.

-Much money.

-Many dollars.

-Much milk.

-Many children.

-Much water.

-Much fun.

-Many dogs.

-Many people.

A lot of, much, many

1. How MUCH water do you drink every day?

2. A LOT OF children do homework every day.

3. How MANY people live in this building?

4. I usually use A LOT OF olive oil.

5. He doesn't normally buy MANY souvenirs on holiday.

6. We have a LOT OF work today.

7. She doesn't spend MUCH time in the library.

8. There is A LOT OF sugar in this cup of coffee.

9. How MANY films do you watch a week?

10. Do they eat MUCH fish?

Complete the sentences with MUCH/MANY/ A LOT/or /A LOT OF

-She has got a lot of dresses, but she has not got many skirts.

-Do you have any cereal? Sure, there's a lot in the kitchen.

-How much is this? It's ten dollars.

-There are a lot of pupils.

- She hasn't got much patience.

-How many hotels in this town.

-We haven´t got much petrol.

-We meet a lot of friends.

- How many potatoes are there?

-How much bread did you buy?

-Sam buys a lot of food.

-I would like to ask a lot of questions.

-I haven't got many books.

-Believe me, a lot of people live in London.

- I have got a lot of time.

-Do you know much about computers?

-Have you got  any luggage? yes a lot of luggage.

-There are a lot of CDs.

-Did many students fail the examination?

-Were there many  people on the train?

- I drink a lot of tea.

-Are there  many new students in the class?

-She does not buy much perfume, but she buys a lot of   clothes.

-Every morning she buys a lot of newspapers, but she does not buy  many magazines.

A OR B ?

1. I have __ cash if you need it.


2. How ___ students are there on your course?

a)a lot of

3. There are ___ pit bull dogs on our estate. Too many. I don't like them.

a)a lot of

4. How ___ money do you need?


5. How ___ classes do you have this week? Are you busy?

a)a lot of

6. I have ___ dresses. I can't help it, I'm always buying them.

a)a lot of

7. Is there ___ information on South African culture?


8. Do you know ___ English grammar?


9. Can I have ___ sugar in my tea please? Not too much.

a)a lot of

10. It seems like you have ___ cousins. I thought I'd met them all!

a)a lot of


Man: Do you watch much TV?

Woman: Not anymore. I used to watch a lot of TV, but not now. And you?

Man: Yeah, I watch a lot of TV.

Woman: What do you watch?

Man: I watch a lot of dramas and some news shows.

Woman: I don’t watch the news much, but maybe I should

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