lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

how much/ how many


HOW MUCH ...? - (Quantity)
How much is used with uncountable nouns.



-How much time do we have to finish the test?

-How much money did you spend?

-How much sugar would you like in your coffee?

-How much paper will I need?

-How much milk is in the fridge?

-How much traffic was there on the way to work?

How much can also be used when we want to know the PRICE of something.

In this case, we can use How much with countable nouns (both singular and plural nouns).


-How much is that painting?

-How much are those shoes?

-How much did your jacket cost?

-How much is the dress on display in the window?

-How much will it cost me?

-How much does it cost ?

HOW MANY ...? - (Quantity)
How many is used when we want to know the QUANTITY of something.

It is only used with plural countable nouns.



-How many days are there in January?

-How many people work in your company?

-How many cousins do you have?

-How many books did you buy?

-How many countries are there in the world?

-How many students are in the class right now?

-How many chairs are there in this room?

-How many pieces of chocolate would you like?

The difference between HOW MUCH and HOW MANY in English


Example One:

Q: How much did your jacket cost?

A: Not much. I got it on sale last year.

Q: How many apples did you eat?

A: Not many. Just two, I think.

Q: How many cows live on your father’s farm?

A: Not many. Only 10 or 12.

Example Two:

- Phillip owns many properties in France.

- We didn’t earn much profit this year.

- How much money have you got?

- Sharon does not have many friends.

- There are too many students in this class.

- It doesn’t need much milk.

- We had so much fun.

- I spent many days there.

Resultado de imagen para how much how many examples


Chosee many or much

1. Many cars.

2. Much music.

3. Many pictures.

4. Many flowers.

5. Much milk.

6. Many  numbers.

7. Much  money.

8. Much tea.

9. Many girls.

10. Many pencils.

Complete with how much or how many.

1. How many bones are there in the human body?

2. How many stars are there in the sky?

3. How much water is in the ocean?

4. How many birds are there?

5. How much money is in a bank?

6. How much information is on the internet?

7. How much bread is eaten per day?

 8. How many countries are there in the world?

9. How much sand is in the deserts?

10. How many people live on islands?

Much / many exercises

Decide whether you have to use much or many:

1. We saw _____ animals at the zoo.

2. How _____ oranges did you put in the box?

3. There isn’t _____ sugar in my coffee.

4. I don’t have ______ friends.

5. The old man hasn’t got _____ hair on his head.

7. I’ve packed _____ bottles of water.

8.I didn’t get _____ sleep last night.

9. How _____ fruit do you eat in an average day?


1. many 2. many 3. much  4. many  5. much  6. many 7. much  8. much

Complete the sentences 

How many eggs did you buy ?

How much coffee did you drink last night ?

How many girls are there in your group ?

How many cans of beer do you want ?

How much are the oranges ?

How much time have you got to play ?

How many stars can you see in the sky ?

How much sugar would you like in your tea ?

How much money did you pay for your bike ?

How many hours do you sleep every night ?

How many Spanish words do you know ?

How much water did you drink ?


1. No, there isn't MUCH milk in the bottle.

2. Are there MANY eggs in the kitchen ?

3. Mary hasn't got MANY pencils in her pencil box.

4. There isn't MUCH butter on my bread.

5. Are there MANY books in the library ?

6. Jimmy hasn't got MUCH money in his wallet.

7. Is there MUCH rice in the jar ?

8. There aren't MANY women in parliament.

9. There isn't MUCH cheese on the plate.

10. There isn't MUCH sugar in my tea.

11. Are there MANY children in the garden ?

12. There isn't MUCH salt in the soup.


Resultado de imagen para how much how many conversation

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