martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Present Continuous / progressive

Present Continuous 

The present continuous is made from the present tense of the verb be and the –ing form of a verb:
You areplaying
He istalking
She isliving
It iseating
We arestaying
They are
We use the present continuous to talk about:

activities at the moment of speaking:

I'm just leaving work. I'll be home in an hour.
Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.

Present continuous questions

We make questions by putting am, is or are in front of the subject:

Are you listening?

Are they coming to your party?

When is she going home?

What am I doing here?

Present continuous negatives

We make negatives by putting not (or n't) after am, is or are:

I'm not doing that.

You aren't listening. (or You're not listening.)

They aren't coming to the party. (or They're not coming to the party.)

Resultado de imagen para present continuousShe isn't going home until Monday. (or She's not going home until Monday.)
Resultado de imagen para present continuous


Complete with the verb + ing 

You are learning English now.(learn)

You are not swimming now. (swim)

Are you sleeping? (sleep)

I am sitting. (sit)

I am not standing. (stand)

Is he sitting or standing? (stand)

They are reading their books. (read)

They are not watching television. (watch)

What are you doing?(do)

Why aren't you doing your homework?(do)


1.The teacher is not closing the door.(not/to close)

2.Are you doing the washing-up?(to do)

3.They are checking the printers. (to check)

4.Is your grandmother looking at birds? (to look)

5.We are not passing the checkpoint. (not/to pass)

6.Are they trying to help? (to try)

7.She is not walking to the centre of the town.(not/to walk)

8.Are the policemen running into the bank?(to run)

9.Look! Steve's mother is making a Frappuccino.(to make)

10.You are not linking the words correctly. (not/to link)

Make the present continuous, positive or negative

1) (I / study at the moment)

I'm studying at the moment. 

2) (I / not / sleep)

 I'm not sleeping

3) (you / play badminton tonight)

 You're playing badminton tonight.

4) (we / watch TV)

We're watching TV.

5) (she / not / work in Spain)

She isn't working in Spain. 

6) (he / not / wait for the bus)

 He isn't waiting for the bus. 

7) (they / read)

They're reading. 

8) (we / not / go to the cinema tonight)

 We aren't going to the cinema tonight.

9) (you / not / read the newspaper)

 You aren't reading the newspaper. 

10) (she / eat chocolate)

She's eating chocolate. 

11) (I / not / live in Paris)

I'm not living in Paris.

12) (we / study French)

 We're studying French. 

13) (they / not / leave now)

 They aren't leaving now. 

14) (they / live in London)

They're living in London. 

15) (he / work in a restaurant now)

 He's working in a restaurant now.

16) (I / not / meet my father at four)

I'm not meeting my father at four.

17) (she / not / drink tea now)

 She isn't drinking tea now. 

18) (she / play the guitar)

She's playing the guitar.

19) (we / cook)

We're cooking.

20) (he / walk to school now)

He's walking to school now. 


  1. Resultado de imagen para present progressive conversation

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