lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

There is / Isn´t - there are/ aren´t 

There is and there are 

The use between the sentences that there are and those at the beginning of a sentences is determined by the name that follows it.
There Is vs. There Are: How to Choose imagethe use there iswhen the nouns is singular (¨there is a dog¨).
And when the nouns is plural (¨there are a dogs¨).

You probably know that the choice between is vs. are depends on a noun. In most sentences, the noun comes before the verb. But in sentences that begin with there is and there are, the noun comes later.

There is a dog on the porch.

In the sentence above, dog is singular, so it requires there is.

There are many opportunities to learn at this company.

In the sentence above, opportunities is plural, so it requires there are. (Don’t let the word many throw you off—concentrate on the noun.)


Depends on the nouns.
There isn´t any food in the fridge.
There aren´t any cats in the living room..


Exercice 1.

1)    some pens on the table.
2)    two glasses on the shelf.
3)    a lot of people in the bus.
4)    a problem with my car.
5)    one bottle of milk in the fridge.
6)    eleven players in a football team.
7)    an error in this English exercise.
8)    three televisions in my house.
9)    ten questions in this test.
10)  a hundred centimetres in a metre.


  1. 1) a bag on the table.
  2. 2) a calendar on the wall.
  3. 3) two posters in my room.
  4. 4) a banana in this basket.
  5. 5) six chairs in the kitchen.
  6. 6) lots of books on the shelf.
  7. 7) a mirror in our hall.
  8. 8) 12 cushions on the sofa.
  9. 9) a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.
  10. 10) children in the yard.


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