lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Any / Some


In general, some is used in positive sentences:

- I got some nice presents for Christmas this year.

-This job is going to take some time.

-Look! There are some large black birds on the roof of the church.

-You have some butter on your chin.

-If you are hungry, there are some biscuits in the cupboard.

-I'm sure I'll return to Japan some day.

-There is somebody on the phone for you.

-I'd like to go somewhere hot this summer.

In general, any is used in negative sentences and questions:

-I didn't get any nice presents for Christmas this year.

-I looked in the cupboard but I couldn't find any biscuits.

-I don't need any help.

-She's so rude. No wonder she doesn't have any friends.

-I don't have anything to wear to the dance.

-I'm not hungry. I don't want anything to eat.

-Do you have any brothers or sisters?

-Did you catch any fish?

-Have you seen any good films recently?

-Does anyone know the answer?

-Are you going anywhere this Christmas?

In fact, the use of some/any is a little more complicated. Following are two common occasions when he above "rules" are "broken":

1. We can use some in questions when offering/requesting:

-Would you like some more tea?

-Could I have some milk, please?

-Do you want something to eat?

2. We use any in positive sentences when we mean it doesn't matter which ..:

You can come and ask for my help any time.
Which book shall I read? - Any one. It's up to you.
You can sit anywhere but here. This is my seat!

Resultado de imagen para any some
Resultado de imagen para any some

Resultado de imagen para any some


Complete with some or any

1. Would you like some ketchup to go with your fries?

2. We don’t have any olives.

3. I really want some striped socks.

4. Do you have any wrapping paper?

5. Let’s go have some fun.

6. I’ve never heard of any of these artists.

7. Chris found some wild strawberries growing by the side of the road.

8. Do we have any jam or are we all out?


1. Is there _______ milk left?
2. There is _______ juice in the bottle.
3. Do you have _______ coffee?
4. I don’t have _______ money left.
5. She has _______ money.
6. Do you know _______ of these singers?
7. I don’t know _______ of them.
8. I know _______ of them.


1. any  2. some  3. any  4. any    5. some   6. any   7. any  8. some


1. We haven't got any oranges at the moment.

2. I have some magazines for you.

3. I have seen some nice postcards in this souvenir shop.

4. Peter has bought some new books.

5. There are some apples on the table.

6. There aren't any folders in my bag.

7. You can't buy any posters in this shop.

8. We need some bananas.

9. Pam does not have any pencils on her desk.

10. She always takes some sugar with her coffee.


-We need some bananas.

-You can't buy any posters in this shop.

-We haven't got any oranges at the moment.

-Peter has bought some new books.

-She always takes some sugar with her coffee.

-I have seen some nice postcards in this souvenir shop.

-There aren't any folders in my bag.

-I have some magazines for you.

-There are some apples on the table.

-Pam does not have any pencils on her desk.

Some or Any

Sue went to the cinema with some of her friends!

Jane doesn't have any friends.

Have you got any brothers or sisters?

Here is some food for the cat.

I think you should put some flowers on the table.

Could you check if there are any calls on the answering machine?

I don't want any presents for my birthday.

Did they have any news for you?

I'm hungry - I'll have some sandwiches.

There aren't any apples left.

Complete the sentences and questions.

1. Have you got any tomatoes?

2. There are some exercise books on the floor.

3. Did you get the ketchup? No, they didn't have any.

4. You should eat some fresh fruit.

5. We had to wait for some minutes.

6. Is there any lemonade left?

7. They didn't sing any songs.

8. Here are some cornflakes, but there isn't any milk.

9. I'm looking for some good music.

10. There is no butter in the fridge. Let's go and get some.


Resultado de imagen para some and any conversation

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